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Spain Costa Brava

Campingplätze in Sa Riera

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    1 - 1 von 1 Campingplätzen
    • Camping Experten mit über 54 Jahren Erfahrung
    • 7 Tage pro Woche An- und Abreise
    • Beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und die größte Auswahl
      • drv

    Sun, sea and beach at the Costa Brava

    If you stay at a campsite at the Costa Brava, you stay in the north-east of Spain. The coastline is about 200 kilometres long and takes its name of 'Rough Coast' from the rocky coastline. The rocks sometimes run into the sea and are actually foothills of the Pyrenees. The Costa Brava is situated beside the beautiful Mediterranean Sea, which gives this region a gorgeous Mediterranean climate of warm summers and mild winters. Lovers of water sports will find everything they could want here. The sea has much to offer, both above and below the water. There's a fascinating underwater world waiting to be explored. A campsite at the Costa Brava offers sun, sea and beaches in every guise.

    The landscape of the Costa Brava

    The Costa Brava has an unbelievable variety of landscapes. Do you want to stay at a campsite at the Costa Brava and do you love wine? Then the region of Alella is the place to be. Vintners will love to invite you in for a drink. In this part of Spain you can find beautiful nature reserves as well, like the National Park of  Montseny. Discover the region by bike, on foot or step aboard a boat or helicopter. Explore the beautiful countryside under your own steam or join one of the many excursions from your campsite at the Costa Brava. 

    Sights near your campsite at the Costa Brava

    From your campsite at the Costa Brava you can make interesting trips. Visit the pilgrimage village of Montserrat, for example. This is also where you will find the monastery of the Black Madonna. Visit the picturesque villages which nestle in the varied landscape. It seems as though time has stood still here. For children the dolphinarium Marineland in Lloret de Mar and the water park in Malgrat de Mar are highly recommended. And, for those who like a bit of a challenge, bungee jumping can be found near almost every campsite at the Costa Brava. 

    Cities  near the Costa Brava

    If you stay at a campsite at the Costa Brava, a trip to sizzling Barcelona should be on your list. This metropolis with its famous Ramblas can be easily reached from the popular coastal villages like Blanes, Playa d'Aro and Malgrat de Mar. Girona is also definitely worth a visit, a city with a medieval city wall, old city centre, beautiful cathedral and friendly Saturday market. Lovers of beautiful gardens should visit the splendid botanical gardens in Blanes, easily reached from your campsite at the Costa Brava. A campsite at the Costa Brava offers all ingredients for a top holiday for all ages.

    Die dargestellten Preise sind die derzeit gültigen Preise. Diese können jederzeit geändert werden. Wenn Sie sicher gehen möchten, Ihre Reise zu diesem Preis zu bekommen, sollten Sie gleich buchen, denn in diesem Fall ändert sich der Preis nicht mehr. Alle derzeit gültigen Rabatte und Gratisnächte sind im Preis bereits berücksichtigt. Als Zusatzkosten werden die Buchungsgebühren von 19,50 € sowie eventuell zutreffende lokale Gebühren, die vom Alter der Reisenden abhängig sind wie zum Beispiel eine Kurtaxe, erhoben. Die angegebenen Preise beziehen sich immer auf einen Aufenthalt von 2 Personen (auch wenn Sie vorab angegeben haben, mit einer größeren Reisegruppe zu reisen). Der endgültige Preis hängt vom Alter aller Reisenden ab und wird Ihnen erst im letzten Buchungsschritt vor Ihrer verbindlichen Buchung angezeigt, nachdem Sie alle Geburtsdaten eingetragen haben.